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Catania & Siracusa

orario 0 Catania & Siracusa

Discover Sicily Catania and Syracuse

Sicily has always been a particularly interesting land for the Italian homosexual movement with the very foundation of the first arcigay circle in this land.
If the United States have had Stonewall, the Italians have had the crime of Giarre to date still unresolved for everyone's silence.

In response to the dramatic event the Arcigay movement was born in Palermo.
In the days of the Sant'Agata festival, the city of Catania is surrounded by a special mystical folkloristic atmosphere. The highlight of the festival is the procession of the reliquary through the streets of the city that lasts a whole night.
During our stay we will visit the Catania cathedral, the Catacomb church of Sant 'Agata. All those churches that will be open and that normally remain closed during the year.

Syracuse, Sicily
The city of Saint Lucia martyr. His relics are preserved both here and in Venice. We will visit the Cathedral of Saint Lucia, the Diocesan Museum. The sanctuary of the Madonna delle Lacrime. The historic center on the island of Ortiggia. The catacombs of Syracuse are among the largest in Italy and second only to those of Rome.

Includes three nights in Catania in a 3-star hotel.
The Catania Catania train Catania
Visits to churches

This tour can be combined with the San Paolo pilgrimage trip to Malta.


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